7 Steps To Become Happier

Feeling under the weather? Life’s got you down? Don’t worry, that’s completely normal. You just need to take some time to read through these 7 steps on how to enjoy your life to the fullest!


Step 1: There is a reason why they call today “Present”.

  • There is a quote that says “Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, but today is a Gift, that is why it is called the “Present”.
  • Don’t dwell on the past or worry about the future. Enjoy the present and appreciate the little things.
  • There are some things in life that you cannot control. Let these things go and simply move on.

Step 2: Don’t sweat the small stuff. Stressing it out and worrying about it isn’t going to solve your problem.

  • Don’t argue over the little things. Learn to be humble and be the first to apologize.
  • Life’s too short to spend it arguing, worrying, fighting, etc. Look past these negative things and uplift yourself into being happy.

Step 3: Be optimistic! 

  • It is said that the greatest battle man can fight is within himself. Your mind can be your enemy once you fill it with poisonous negative thoughts. Flush out these irrelevant thought bubbles in your mind and replace it with optimism.
  • Always remember that everything that happens in your life is with a purpose. So stop overthinking and worrying, instead look at the brighter side of your life.

Step 4: Ignore the “Haters” around you.

  • No matter who you are in this world. You can’t please everybody. There will always be judgmental people who will criticize you or try to put you down. Ignore these types of people. You don’t need their approval in order to feel good about yourself.
  • The Haters or the Criticizers are not the ones who control your happiness, YOU So make a choice and enjoy your life. Prove to these people that no matter what they may do to put you down, you will always make the choice of being happy.

Step 5: Try and “Feel Young” both in Body and Mind.

  • Don’t get caught in the repetitive lifestyle of this world that is Wake up, Eat, Work, and Sleep. Break free of this cycle and try to unleash the “Inner Child” in you. You can do this by doing the things you weren’t able to do when you were just a kid. Play, explore and enjoy your life as if you were a child again.
  • Try to go out more and discover the world. You can go on hiking trips and scale the mountains. Dance your way to fitness through Zumba, a combination of dancing and exercise.

Step 6: Happiness can be found in a Spiritual Experience 

  • It is never a bad thing to consider that there is a Supreme Being that exists in the heavens that is willing to listen to our needs. Faith, Love, and Hope are some of the things we can experience in our lives by acknowledging the presence of the Almighty.
  • Faith unites people from all over the world in order to do great things. Don’t be afraid to entrust your plans in the hands of God. True happiness can be found by surrendering everything to God and trust his will.

Step 7: Positive expectations attract positive energy

  • If you strongly believe that good things will come to you, believe it or not, they will! Attract the good and positive energy through positive expectations. Say to yourself: “I firmly believe that something good will happen today”. Get out there and show to the world your radiant and blissful aura.
  • Start your day with a simple motivational quote to uplift your spirits. Try new things and expect the results to be good. Don’t expect too much or you will sometimes be disappointed. Instead, expect that whatever the result you will remain content and happy.


Happiness is a choice you make. No other people can make that choice for you. It has to start within you. Choose to be happy! Remember these simple tips when you are feeling depressed and sad. Always know that someone out in this world is looking out for you. Life has its ups and downs. It’s never going to change to suit you. You have to be the one to change. Be the change you want to be to find your Happiness. Good Luck!


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